
Affordable and easy-to-start loyalty program

Build an effective loyalty program effortlessly and with any budget.

Trusted Shopify partner

Affordable for businesses of any size

Monetha is a perfect loyalty solution, no matter how big or small your business is. Why?

🤝 You pay when you sell only
💎 Loyalty points have a high perceived value out of the box
🏦 Loyalty program costs can be covered with Monetha Partner Program

Setting up takes a few minutes

1. Integrate Monetha with your ecommerce platform in a couple of clicks.

2. After that, simply drag-and-drop a loyalty block to your product page to make it visible to your customers.

3. Finally, start your first loyalty campaign with an integrated campaign manager.

No technical knowledge is needed.

Fast technical and marketing support

Say goodbye to technical headaches with Monetha's speedy and efficient technical support team. We will swiftly resolve any technical issues you may encounter, and are always available to provide you with the necessary guidance and assistance.

If you're uncertain about how to design your loyalty program, our marketing and loyalty experts team is here to lend a helping hand. They are dedicated to ensuring the success of your program and will work with you every step of the way.

More benefits for your business

Loyalty, rewards, and beyond
Retain value of your brand
Loyalty rewards train customers to buy products at full price and help you avoid the discount spiral.
Improve business performance
Engage with your audience in-between purchases by giving them loyalty points for special occasions or any positive actions.
Accept loyalty points as a payment method
Let customers spend their loyalty points at your store to increase retention and brand loyalty.
Plan your sales
Customize, schedule, and track loyalty campaigns with the integrated campaign manager.
Manage stock and get rid of slow-moving products
Your loyalty program works as an inventory management tool. Give more rewards for products to create higher demand on them.
Reach a new audience
Get listed in the Monetha cashback app and showcase your products to thousands of new customers.
Customize the look of your rewards
Looks like your native loyalty program. Adjust texts and styles to customize it even further.
Cover costs with our Partner program
We will add ~$1 worth of points to your loyalty budget for every new customer joining Monetha from your loyalty program.

Learn more about loyalty